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8 Shaʿbān 1446

★ 07-Feb-2025 | 8 Shaʿbān 1446 ★


Hazrath Sultan Bahu (R.A)


Hazrat Sultan Bahu (Allah Bless His Soul) Sultan ul Arifeen (King of Arifeen - the Highest grade of Sufism) Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahu was born at Shorkot in 1039 A.H. Shorkot is the Tehsil headquarter of District Jhang of Punjab. His father Hazrat Muhammad Bazayd was a pious man, a jurist who learnt Quran by heart and he was the commandant of the Shor fort during the reign of Mughal emperor Shahjahan. His mother Hazrat Bibi Raasti was a saint of high caliber. He belonged to Awan caste and was the descendant of Hazrat Ali. His mother got the intuition that soon a saint par excellence would be born to her who would fill the face of the earth with his mental illumination and spirituality and she should name him “Bahu”. There Mai Sahiba gave him the name “Bahu”.

Marvels of Sultan Bahoo since childhood

Since childhood, he was known for his supernatural powers. Non-Muslims, who happened to make eye contact with him, whether intentionally or unintentionally could not stop from reverting to Islam. This miracle continued throughout the life of Sultan Bahoo. This was a testament to him being a special person who was chosen and destined to revolutionise Sufism. Very few people in history of Islam achieved the spiritual rank that he is stationed at. Spiritually, he took an oath of allegiance at the sacred hands of the Holy Prophet (blessing and salutation be on Him). In his book, Ameer-ul-Qaunaian” he says that he wandered for about thirty years in search of spiritual guide but in vain.

At last, Hazrat Ali (RA) took him spiritually to the sacred presence of Holy Prophet (blessing and salutation be on Him). The Holy Prophet (blessing and salutation be on Him) showed utter happiness on seeing him and asked him to hold his hand. Thats how he took an oath of allegiance and then the Holy Prophet (blessing and salutation be on Him) instructed him and ordered him to spiritually help the creatures of God. After this, the Holy Prophet (blessing and salutation be on Him) entrusted him to Hazrat Shaikh Abd ul Qadir Al Jilani (Allah be pleased with him) and said that Bahu was his spiritual son and he should also spiritually instruct and guide him. Therefore, Hazrat Pir Dastagir enriched him with his spiritual wealth. About that Haq Bahu says that “I have covered the entire distance from the beginning to extreme, when the King of “Faqr” cast on me the favorable glance”.

After that on the order of Ghaus-e-Pak Hazrat Shaikh Abd ul Qadir Al Jilani (Allah be pleased with him) he overtly took an oath of allegiance at the hand of Sheikh Pir Abdur Rehman Qadri of Delhi. (he was the descendant of Ghaus-a-Pak). The shrine of Pir Abdur Rehman is in Delhi. Sultan Haq Bahu is Sarwari Qadri order of Sufism. The spirituality of this order is that the mentor – spiritual guide (murshad) makes sure the presence of an aspirant of truth in the Holy gathering of Holy Prophet (blessing and salutation be on Him) in just one glance and single attention and in the same way enables him to see beatific vision / divine light. In this Holy order there is no intricacies like mystic exercises, forty days seclusions for mystic communion, withholding of breath, mystic initiation, meditation and daily round of recital. This order is also free of obvious saintly dress and style and also weary of style of mashaikhs e.g. scepter, rosary and gown and turban etc.

He dies at the age of 63 in 1102 A.H. His shrine is situated in a village on the western bank of river chinab near town of Garh Maharaja in Tehsil Shorkot. The Village is known on his name as “Mauza sultan Haq Bahu”. His death anniversary (URS) helds on the first Thursday of Jamadi-us-sani.

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